Chapter Chairleaders
NWIAA Alabama Chair Leader
Cheryl Bell
Email: NWIAAALChapter@gmail.com
Phone: (334) 868-7023
Born and raised in Cleveland Ohio, Cheryl has always had a love for animals and nature. With family roots in Rural Alabama, her parents, made sure that she spent many childhood and teen summers and holidays, reconnecting with her family roots. After her parents’ retirement in 1980, they followed their dream, and moved back to Al and began a small farm where a large variety of vegetables, and livestock were grown and raised. Upon needed eye surgery for her Father, Cheryl joined her parents to help with the farm from 1989-1999 before returning to Cleveland. But in 2007, with the illness of her Mother and fading eyesight/health of her Father, She returned to the Farm. After the passing of her Mother in 2008, she went back into the Volunteer work, that she loved doing in Ohio… Therapeutic Horseback Riding for special needs children. She decided to put that love and need to use for Children in her new local community. Thus in 2009 she developed “The Young People’s Horse & Garden Club”, which serves low income and At-Risk Youth.
YPHG has introduced youth ages 9-17 to everything from Organic Gardening, Horses, Livestock Care, Natural Resources & Conservation, to Beekeeping, Product creation, and Sales& Marketing, and community service. The youth attend workshops/classes via Auburn Unv. and Tuskegee Unv. Animal Science Programs. Multiple field trips to Local Farms/Ranches, Zoos, and become certified Jr. Master Gardeners. They have Marketed products and earned money via local events with Tractor Supply, The Local Montgomery Country Club, and Churches, and Farmers Markets.
She has been host as a variety 4-H club, and also served as an avenue for Students of ASU to obtain experience, credits and volunteer opportunities. In 2020 when Covid interrupted the country, it also interrupted the ability to carry on as usual, thus the program took great loss in event, volunteerism, and support from the usual sources.
But as Fate and Faith would have it, she was introduced to Dr. Tammy Steele and NWIAA, where she looks to proudly and humbly serve as a Chairperson for her community and surrounding communities, with the Vision to Rebuild , and expand her 30 acre Farmland into a fully functional “Learning Farm”, that is in Honor of her late parents, Creating the M.L. Bell Teaching Farm, specializing in Honey production, Herbal/medicinal plant production, and entrepreneurial skills.
“I am looking forward to God using me to inspire our youth to be more than consumers, but to also be producers, and good stewards of the Planet.”

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1701 N. Martin Luther King Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73111
24/7 Line: +1 202-643-0590