NWIAA Mississippi Chair Leader
Ruthie Bolton
Email: ruthiebolton@icloud.com
Phone: (916) 275-7143

Miriam Simelton-Anderson
Email: mcllegalservice1@gmail.com
Phone: 662-587-7604
Miriam is the sixth of 6 children born to Eddie & Elaine Simelton and was raised on a farm in Tiplersville , MS. Somewhere around the age of 6 is when she recalls being introduced to life on the farm. Growing up on the farm was really a learning experience and taught her lesions that she really didn't realize what was being instilled in her at the time. Miriam says that growing up on the farm taught her discipline, perseverance, patience and commitment, just to name a few of the character building traits that was instilled in her at a very young age. On any day on the farm, particularly in the summer. She could be found along with her siblings , Bernard and Deborah, hoeing cotton, picking peppers & cucumbers, and helping to harvest the gardens and truck pathes or gathering peaches , pears, and plums from the orchard. shelling peas, and butter beans were also a any day on the farm chore. Fall brought on different chores such as harvesting potatoes, stripping sorghum, harvesting dried corn for the farm animals. bailing hay, and the chore that she absolutely disliked with a passion, PICKING COTTON!!! Even though all of her siblings swore that she did not do much work, that aLL she did was eat up the pork & beans, vienna sausage,, crackers, moon pies and drank the cold iced water that their mother had put in a mason jar and wrapped in layers of newspapers to keep it cold, Miriam's answer to them was that "she did according to her ability", The late fall and early winter months brought on one major event "Hog Killing!!! This was really a big day on the farm.. It seemed to Miriam that ALL of the surrounding neighbors came to their home to help , and at the end of the day every family left with sausage, ham, ribs , or shoulder or some part of Porky! Most of the remainder of the meat would go to the "SmokeHouse" where Miriam's Mpm would go on a cold crisp winter morning to cut off a piece of meat that had been salted down for preservation or tp get some cracklings ( Fried pork skins) to make a black cast iron skillet of hot crackling buttermilk cornbread. The milk came from jersey cows that they milked, churned the milk. and also got the butter from, Miriam got married and moved away from her childhood home! She has two daughters , Cathea Simelton-Tremino, and Lanedra Caroline Brooks, 2 son-in-laws and 3 wonderful grandchildren. Miriam has always been involved in her community! She was a 4-Her and was a volunteer leader for 25 + years. She is A member of the TCDC, an arm of the Cooperative Extension Service .Miriam is a member of the NAACP where she served as Labor and Communication Chair. She is the past president of the Tippah County MLK Dream. in which she was blessed to be able to secure the iconic & famed Civil Rights Leader . Dr. James Mederith as the Keynote speaker in 2022. Miriam feels a sense of responsibility to go back to her childhood farm and basically attempt to build on what her parents Eddie Hugh and Elaine Vivian Patrick Simelton started app 75 years ago on what we endearingly and affectionately call E&E Farm today. Miriam owns and operates MCL Paralegal Services where she works representing persons seeking disability benefits, She also owns LegalShield (The Anderson Group) where she provides individual, familys, small businesses, and employees with access to legal services and identity theft protection. She is also a nurse!! Miriam's favorite scripture is Matt 6:33

Radiah Mallard*
Email: fam.mallard@gmail.com
Radiah Mallard is a proud retired US Army and Navy Veteran of 21 years. Radiah served two tours in Iraq. As a senior warrant officer, she received extensive
experience with managing a variety of systems, team building, project management, and problem solving. During her time in service, Radiah was recognized by
the Department of the Army three times for excellence in management and service. She is a devoted wife and mother to her four children and is a strong advocate for
her son who is diagnosed with Level III autism and is nonverbal. Radiah and her husband know and value the importance of food security. For the last 4 years, they
have been practicing organic beekeeping and education in partnership with their neighbors, educators and local nonprofits, as well as the veteran community. She is co-Founder of Foundation Honey Co, an agricultural nonprofit which services Georgia and Alabama. She looks forward to raising awareness of career and sustainment paths in agriculture to veterans, underserved youth, minority women and children, and elderly in her community through the River Cities Chapter of the National Women in Agriculture Association (RCNWIAA).
“Bloom where you are planted. Be resilient.” -RJM
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